Why You Should Follow a Holistic Protocol
So, after 3 years of excruciating pain, illness, and exhaustion, a feeling of deep hopelessness, and many, many failed treatments, I decided to give a more holistic approach a chance.
I began by taking an IGG test. This shows you how your body and immune system react to the foods you eat. There were certain foods I was eating at the time that made my MS flare up, just like other foods you eat now are probably hurting your body in other ways without you realizing it.
Every gut is different, and you need to find out what foods are doing you harm and which may help to restore balance.
You cannot reach an optimal healing state unless your mind is relaxed. By contrast, stress and negativity can trigger and perpetuate a lot of diseases because the brain holds an enormous influence over the rest of the body.
In my case, the connection with nature provided the ultimate stress relief, but for you, it might turn out to be something else.
I started to make my own remedies with Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Cordyceps, and Turkey Tail. I also make remedies with elderberry, usnea, and other medicinal plants that may be growing in your own backyard as well.
To this day, they’re all still a vital part of what I do to keep my MS at bay. And besides all that, I did a lot of other things too that are now found inside my MS protocol.
I detail everything someone needs to do, morning, afternoon, and evening, every day of the week, to follow in my footsteps. It also includes the recipes for my natural remedies.
Thanks to this protocol I developed, instead of being bedridden, I was able to survive and actually thrive for 57 days straight on the History Channel’s TV show, Alone, defying the expectations of a lot of people, including my own doctors.
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